Attached is a patch that adds this functionality. Here's a screenshot:
Am Samstag, den 19.02.2011, 18:04 +0400 schrieb Grigory Javadyan:
I'd appreciate such a feature, yep. :)> Hi,
> I recently started using Geany and noticed that the file browser
> plugin lacks the ability to include multiple patterns into the filter.
> For example, I can't set the filter up so that the plugin displays
> *.cpp and *.h files, but not *.o files. I browsed through the code of
> the plugin and found out that it simply uses g_pattern_match.
> However, it's not too difficult to alter the code so that it supports
> multiple patterns. I would like to do that. Please let me know if this
> feature is needed. If it is, I'll start working on it.
Dominic Hopf <>
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