Hi Frank,
Okay, here is an update => in case of invalid char, it won't shut down geany. I also correct some other bugs, but DOCTYPE is currently not supported.
I'll try to add the options with what you sent me !
Best regards,
On Sat, 8 Aug 2009 12:55:58 +0200
> Thanks for the information ! The code currently doesn't support theI this case this shouldn't shut down Geany.
> DOCTYPE header (I'll add it asap), but should work with other XML.
I'm using ./compile && cp XMLFormatter.so ~/local/lib/geany/
> Are you running on Ubuntu ? How did you install the plugin ? My
> friend compiles it, but even if the so was into the
> ~/.config/geany/plugins folder, he couldn't see it in Plugin
> Manager...
Depending on the version of Geany the folder isn't .config/geany
but ~/.geany
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