I think adding support for vector icons is great, but removing the gtk stock icon feature, that's ridiculous, why don't they just update GTK to support any image format, rastor and vector both, as stock icons? Then it would be up to the theme to choose format.But I do strongly believe vector is better for the future because it's resolution independent, if GUIs relied 100% on variable formats/sizing like vector images and grid unit sizing, then it would be much easier to work with different form factors.Don't get me wrong, I know the performance fallbacks there would be with older machines, but it would be perfect for new technology.

Colomban Wendling <lists.ban@herbesfolles.org> wrote:
Le 11/10/2013 19:08, Dimitar Zhekov a écrit :

If the vector icons were always better, PNG-s in specific sizes would
have been deleted long time ago.

Maybe not, because actually rendering *all* desktop icons as SVG is
really slow. Well, not *that* slow, but really noticeable on a nowadays
machine, so even as simple cache PNGs would still be valid :)

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