2009/7/13 Frank Lanitz <frank@frank.uvena.de>
Am Montag, den 13.07.2009, 22:34 +1000 schrieb Lex Trotman:
>         Alright, I did a svn up in the branch, at it's still at r3952.
>         And my patch is against that revision.
>         Could it be local changes on your side?
> Most probably, as I said its still under active development, but at
> the moment I have a persistent crash so I don't want to commit a more
> broken program than is already there :-(

Don't be afraid to do some more commits. Also I had good experience
developing using a local git branch so I keep track on my changes as
well as I can patch/merge patches coming in.
I just *hate* it when I grab a new version of something from SVN build it and find it crashes immediately :-( , so I don't want to do it to others.


PS That damn warning is still there, its just a wrong cast, the data is ok,  but I just can't seem to get the cast right to shut GCC up.


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