I noticed if I do a search from the toolbar and press return, it finds the word, but focus remains in the search bar.
Isn't there a way to have it automatically set the focus to the text and then I can use keyboard shortcuts to go from the current instance to the next/prev.

I think this would be more intuitive:

1. Keyboard shortcut to the search toolbar.
2. Type a word.
3. Press enter and get taken to the first word with the focus on it.
4. Use other shortcuts to go from next/previous
5. Use the keyboard shortcut again to return to the toolbar to change the search term.

I did things this way all the time before.  In geany, it looks like I have to use another shortcut in between?

1. Keyboard shortcut to the search toolbar.
2. Type a word.
3. Press enter and get taken to the first word but focus remains in the toolbar.
4. Press a shortcut to get to the editor
5. Use other shortcuts to go from next/previous
6. Use the keyboard shortcut again to return to the toolbar to change the search term.

Even if people like the latter way, maybe it could be a checkbox option in preferences?

What do you guys think?

