On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 09:55:35 +1100 Lex Trotman elextr@gmail.com wrote:
if you really want to have
per-function checks at runtime, if conditions in the code. I think this makes maintenance of such code much harder and so it easier tends to break which makes users even more sad.
There are lots of requests by plugin devs for access to more of Geany, that changes the API/ABI version and that should make all other plugins fail until they are updated (but doesn't always, which is risky).
Well, this is not true in most cases as of two reasons: 1. We try to keep the A[P|B] for any minor release the smae 2. ABI/API changes are done with new releases so a recompilation is reasonable. In most cases there don't need to be any code touched on plugin.
Cheers, Frank