Do I need to change anything this time, or is it okay this once?

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From: Matthew Brush <>;
To: <>;
Subject: Re: [Geany-Devel] Feature: editor tab width
Sent: Sat, Feb 16, 2013 11:05:47 PM

On 13-02-14 10:10 PM, Steven Blatnick wrote:
> I didn't see an easy way of separating the pull requests after the fact.  It didn't occur to me to separate the changes into branches without pulling into master until upstream did, so sorry about that.  I should have based the changes on separate branches both from geany's original master rather than all of my updates being pulled into master.

You can just make the appropriate branches and then cherry-pick the good commits into them. Another way is to format-patches and apply them onto your new branches.

A couple more general things:

Don't merge master into your pull request branch unless you have a good reason, it just makes a bunch of useless noise and those merge commits would end up in Geany's "official" history or the committer has to strip them out.

Also, whenever adding settings and keybindings you should update the manual (geany.txt) to reflect the new/changed stuff.

> As a side note, I've noticed that the keyboard shortcut to focus the bottom pane/panel doesn't work correctly.  I have to essentially focus something specifically (like Compiler/Messages/VTE) and then Ctrl+Pg_Up/Ctrl+Pg_Down on them.

IMO, it'd be nice to make Geany not steal '<Ctrl>Tab' when focus is not in the documents, then you could use the "Switch to Message Window" keybinding to focus the message window area and use the standard '<Ctrl>Tab' to rotate between the tab pages down there. That being said, I didn't look into why Geany overrides '<Ctrl>Tab' everywhere in the UI, maybe there's a reason I don't see.

Just my 2¢

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list