On 10 April 2010 18:37, Enzo Matrix <enzo_01@abv.bg> wrote:

Hello all,

i want to share one my ide about geany interface layout and if somebody be interests about it.

"Append toolbar to menu" is really nice option but i think that my idea can provide additional minimalism, the idea is simple, the toolbar can be moved in right of sidebar in top of the editor sheet in the same level as the tabs of the sidebar and adding one more combobox for current open files (this will recover tabs).



sorry for my bad english

Dimitrov Adrian

I'm not sure what you gain by removing the document tabs altogether.

I for one always want to know what I have open and having the tabs makes it visible without having to look in a hidden list.

But I also want the maximum vertical space so I have put the tabs to the left, modern widescreen displays have plenty of horizontal space so thats no problem.

For me its a feature that adds to the code without any added benefit so I'm not for it  but I'm not heavily against it either.


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