Along the same lines, I've developed another way people can quickly integrate functionality to geany in minutes rather than days or even hours :-)

external-tools - Add virtually ANY executable script or file to be called from keyboard shortcuts or the Tools menu.  The intended use is that you can write bash scripts or even perl scripts that use environment variables to get data from geany (via environment variables passed to the scripts) and are able to act based on some settings on geany or the code.

One advantage that this plugin offers that the lua plugin could maybe consider doing is having a nice UI for adding, removing, and editing scripts.

This plugin hasn't been submitted to geany-plugins yet, as I am still working on it.  That said, it's already quite functional.  It behaves much like gedit's external tools, but with some improvements and planned features they missed.  (I use gedit's version of the plugin daily, so I'm hoping to add it to geany and improve on it)

Here are the currently set environment variables:
  1. GEANY_LINE_NUMBER - The current line number the cursor is at in the editor
  2. GEANY_SELECTION - Any currently selected text
  3. GEANY_SELECTED_LINE - All of the text on the current line the cursor is at
  4. GEANY_FILE_PATH - Path to the current file in the editor
  5. GEANY_FILE_MIME_TYPE - Mime type of the current file (example: "text/x-csrc")
  6. GEANY_FILE_TYPE_NAME - Mime type by name of the current file (example filetype: "C")
Output from the script can be directed into:
  1. New "Tools" tab of the Message Window as either text output or a table (I'm still working on the table)
  2. Overwrite currently selected text
  3. Do nothing in the UI (good for opening other tools like meld)
  4. Overwrite the currently selected line
  5. any other ideas?
I hope the plugin will be greatly flexible.  I plan on adding that file paths in the output on the tools tab of the message window will be clickable to browse to files as well as a table output for CSV-like uses.

Anyway, I hope somebody likes this little sneak peak at my plugin :-)


Steven Blatnick

On 06/05/2013 06:06 AM, Thomas Martitz wrote:
Am 05.06.2013 13:46, schrieb Thrawn:
Hi, folks.

Lex, thanks for your comments. I have heard before about GeanyLua's future being uncertain, and I did email the list suggesting that I would be willing to be an emergency backup maintainer. Ie I don't generally have the time, but given a choice between fixing a severe problem and losing the plugin, I'd step up.

Just tonight I've uploaded another script to the Geany Wiki, for surrounding the current selection with brackets, tags, etc. That fulfils another item from the plugin wishlist. It took about 40 lines (including comments and debug lines) and 15 minutes.

I strongly urge that GeanyLua be retained. I think that it and GeanyPy are the way of the future for plugin development, and since GeanyPy isn't available precompiled, GeanyLua is the only out-of-the-box candidate for developing a useful feature (that would normally involve a plugin) in an hour or less. The documentation is clear; the API is simple but effective; there's no boilerplate (no import statements, no class declarations, no metadata, just code); deployment is just a matter of copying the script into the geanylua directory and restarting/rescanning; and it integrates nicely with the keybinding system.

Anyone who wants to develop a plugin, or wishes for a feature that some other editor has, should consider GeanyLua. It might not do what they need, but if it does, they'll be able to do it within an afternoon. I'm already maintaining 6 different Lua-powered features (some of which involve multiple scripts), with a 7th to be uploaded soon, and it's easy.

I believe GeanyLua is nice, but it still needs a maintainer :) You could be the one!

Best regards

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