On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 1:20 AM, Lex Trotman <elextr@gmail.com> wrote:http://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/enterprise/6Client/en/os/SRPMS/
> And that is irrelevant, a more effective question is, what does Red Hat 6.0
> have? (thats a real question, my quick look at their website couldn't
> identify what it is)
RHEL 7 is scheduled for the second half of 2013. How long do you think
> Red Hat 6.0, released in 2010, is still currently in its phase one support
> and is still considered bleeding edge by many corporates, Red Hat 5.0 is
> still supported but is outside its phase one so I think its safe to ignore
> it now.
Geany should support RHEL 6 and thus withhold
innovation/progress/modernize/etc? Adoption of RHEL 7 will be slow, so
at least for another 2-3 years until RHEL 8 is released?
Seems rather strange to me ...
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