On 21 April 2013 09:40, Harold Aling <geany@sait.nl> wrote:
On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 1:20 AM, Lex Trotman <elextr@gmail.com> wrote:
> And that is irrelevant, a more effective question is, what does Red Hat 6.0
> have?  (thats a real question, my quick look at their website couldn't
> identify what it is)



Thanks Harold,

That looks to me like we could go to 2.18 without inflicting too much pain. And that would allow the gtkinfobars.  Since we have just done a release, now would be the time to do it.

So Colomban, I officially propose that we move the minumum GTK version to 2.18 as soon as the windows builder is moved to 2.24.



> Red Hat 6.0, released in 2010, is still currently in its phase one support
> and is still considered bleeding edge by many corporates, Red Hat 5.0 is
> still supported but is outside its phase one so I think its safe to ignore
> it now.

RHEL 7 is scheduled for the second half of 2013. How long do you think
Geany should support RHEL 6 and thus withhold
innovation/progress/modernize/etc? Adoption of RHEL 7 will be slow, so
at least for another 2-3 years until RHEL 8 is released?

Seems rather strange to me ...

But then you clearly are not in the corporate world, every change costs money, so only do it if you ****have**** to, are you really sure you have to, well you only have half the budget anyway.

But supporting an old version of GTK doesn't really stop us innovating, in most cases we just have to have some #ifdefs.

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