I agree too.
-------- Оригинално писмо --------
От: Frank Lanitz frank@frank.uvena.de
Относно: Re: [Geany-devel] POLL: Mark developers names on plugins
translateable Yes/No
До: Geany development list
Изпратено на: Вторник, 2010, Декември 28 01:23:23 EET
On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 22:42:06 +0100
Liviu Andronic <landronimirc@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 9:25 PM, Yura Siamashka <yurand2@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I vote to left them translatable, copy paste is simple enough, but if language uses different set of characters (for example cyrillic), English names can look weird. On other hand I don't know how to spell correctly most of the names so I leave them English.
> >
> I agree that we should take into consideration names originally
> spelled in non-latin characters. What about the following arrangement:
> - leave names non-translatable
> - in case of non-latin names, make string as follows:
> 'original_spelling (latin_spelling)'. For example, in the case of
> Adrian, the string would look like 'Адриан Димитров (Adrian Dimitrov)'
I like that suggestion.
Frank Lanitz <frank@frank.uvena.de>