Hello geany-guys :)
I come back to you with my (very) small plugin. It allows you to (very) quickly format an XML. The following :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><root id="543"><!-- This is a simple XML sample --><geany user="aname"><var id="name">Cedric</var><var id="country">Switzerland</var></geany><comments><![CDATA[Our cows are very funny => Drink our milk :-)]]></comments></root>
becomes in one click something like that :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<root id="543">
<!-- This is a simple XML sample -->
<geany user="aname">
<var id="name">Cedric</var>
<var id="country">Switzerland</var>
<comments><![CDATA[Our cows are very funny => Drink our milk :-)]]></comments>
Be sure I'll release the source code on my blog as soon as I'm finish with it :) For now I got some questions for you guys :
- How can I set the document type ? Ideally, you copy-paste your XML into geany, click on th eplugin-button, it parses the file and set the document type to XML... I'm just lost into the doc...
- I compile and run my plugin with Geany 0.16 on Gentoo with libxml2. I sent my .so file to a friend who is on Ubuntu and he tells me that it doesn't appear in the Plugin Manager :( I just joined the .so file in this mail, so if someon can tell me a bit more about that...
And a last information : if someone read french, I just wrote a little blog post on how to simply do a plugin on Geany. Hope it helps !
Thanks & Best regards,
Cedric Tabin
On Wed, 24 Jun 2009 03:16:04 +0800
> On Wednesday 24,June,2009 03:05 AM, Cédric Tabin
> <tabin.cedric@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Thanks for the advice :) I just try and it works perfectly !!!
> >
> Good to hear. You should consider using a build system to compile yourI second this.
> plugins though. And perhaps release your code so that others may benefit
> from it too. =)
Maybe we can include it to common geany-plugins distribution in case of
its useful for other users also.
Frank Lanitz <frank@frank.uvena.de>
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