On 27 February 2010 02:39, Nick Treleaven
<nick.treleaven@btinternet.com> wrote:
On Wed, 24 Feb 2010 22:02:55 +1100
> The overall issue of preferences, configuration and sessions for multiple
> instances is an interesting one (Sorry Eugene, I've got no answers but lots
> of questions)
> Why is the first necessarily the "master"?
> Is this by definition or is there a reason?
> What if the first is started with -i?
> And what happens to configuration changes I make in other instances?
> You see, I'm forgetful, if I had more than one Geany running (and I can see
> good reasons to do that) then I may forget which one is the "master" and
> change a preference in a different instance, so what happens to the conf
> file?
At first Geany couldn't be run with multiple instances due to the
socket code. I changed this but did nothing to avoid overwrite problems.
As Geany is written without the ability to share settings, and in
some cases not able to update a setting at runtime, I think it
would be too much work making Geany truly multi-instance like Firefox.
No problem, then we need to put a big warning in the manual then so that people know not to configure their file manager to run separate instances or the forgetful behaviour kicks in again, "now which instance did I run by double click on a file again?" :-)