On 16 November 2013 21:23, Francesco OpenCode Apruzzese <opencode@e-ware.org> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm new in Geany Plugin Dev. I'm try to follow the step of this gude: http://www.geany.org/manual/reference/howto.html

When I create the plugin.so file I don't know where this file must be moved.

Run Geany then menu->help->debug messages and about the 5th message will be system plugin path, thats where it should install when complete.
The next line is the user config path, and in that is the "plugins" directory where you can put plugins during development so you don't screw up your system install.
There is also a setting for an extra directory to check at menu->edit->preferences->general->startup


My system is an Ubuntu 12.10 with Geany installed from repository,

Can you help me, please?
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