You can add a third to that list :)

I am still working on it but not pushed for a while, currently implementing browser and database functionality to it, very slowly i will add.

I can push up a newer version if anyone want to try it out and take a look.

Scrrenshot here

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Lex Trotman <> wrote:
>>> If this already exists, please let me know : I don't want to reinvent the
>>> wheel.
>> Have you looked at the two existing project plugins, Geanyprj and
>> GProject and do they do what you want.
> Not sure whether one of them can be used as basis -- but ... I think a
> lot of peobĀ“ple hoping of some extensions of plugin project functions.

I should have phrased my question: "How much of what you want do these
plugins already do."

If they do some/much of your requirements then, as Frank notes, they
may provide a more suitable basis for further expansion than starting
with a plain treebrowser.


> Cheers,
> Frank
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