
A nice colleague knowing better Geany told me that this could simply be disabled in preferences > files ; so please ignore that bug report, sorry.
However, it could be nice to warn the user if he works on PHP files while having the feature "new line at end of file" enabled.


Maxime Pacary a écrit :

Sorry, but since I could not submit a bug on Source Forge (Error with no details...), I think it could be useful at least to send it to the mailing list...
Title : When saving a modified file, a new empty line is added
When saving a modified file, if the last line of the file is not empty, a new empty line is added.

This could lead to big problems for PHP scripts requiring sometimes to have nothing outside <?php and ?> at the beginning and end of files (before calling HTTP header related functions in other files).

Expected behavior : no new empty line automatically added at end of file.

Environment : Windows XP, Geany 0.18

Thanks and best regards,