On 2019-07-09 8:03 a.m., Mirco Schönfeld wrote:
> Greetings,
> I would like to introduce myself by proposing a new feature for Geany.
Welcome and nice work!
Thanks :-)
> When dealing with large bibliography files with lots of Bibtex items I was
> missing an overview of the entries in the sidebar of the editor. Recently,
> I got so annoyed of scrolling around in my files that I decided to do
> something.
> The result I'd like to propose is a ctags parser which is a modified
> version of the tex-parser already present. So far, the new bibtex parser
> parses the entry types listed here:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX#Entry_types It extracts and aggregates
> their identifiers.
> I modified some of the other source files so that the identifiers are now
> listed in the sidebar of the editor.
> If you would like to have a look, please see the branch in my git-fork:
> https://github.com/TwlyY29/geany/tree/bibtex-parser
> I will be happy to create a pull request there if you are interested.
The only obvious thing I can see that may block a PR being merged is
that - since Ctags has started being maintained again - it would be nice
to upstream[0] the parser there as well. There's currently an effort
underway to get our Ctags fork in sync with upstream.
Ok. I couldn't exactly figure out your plans in this regard. That's why I thought integrating it directly into geany would be the pragmatic way to go. But I'll see if I can get it to work with the Ctags framework as well.
Other than that, it looks good and I don't see any reason a PR wouldn't
be merged.
I'll create the pull request then ;-)
Matthew Brush
[0]: https://github.com/universal-ctags/ctags
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