Am 08.11.2012 07:47, schrieb Lex Trotman:

and have the simple mode in our main repository if the required changes are not too invasive. But we cannot determine how invasive they are unless we get more information about what should constitute this "simple mode".

And I agree with both you and Matthew that it needs more definition, so whoever wants to do it, talk to Clem on IRC about what is needed/not needed as the case may be.  But if nobody is interested then we shouldn't not reply to Mint, thats just rude, we should say no, or those that are interested, progress it.

_Who_ it does and _when_ he does that probably depends on what the simple mode should look like, i.e. how large the changes need to be. So that should be defined first, before someone volunteers. Why should anyone volunteer to do "something" without an idea what "something" is? Besides, IMO Clem/Linux Mint should approach us, as a whole and not indivduals, and not the other way around to discuss this and define the simple mode. Right now he hasn't appeared in this discussion on this mailing list.

Best regards.