Hello,<br><br>I am a new Geany user and I will use it mainly for latex compiling. With Ubuntu, the actual version is 0.14. It works perfectly.<br><br>I
did install the version 0.15 but the pdf viewing doesn't work. A small
window opens and closes imediatly. There is no messages ...<br>
Have you noticed this problem ? I tried also on Windows XP and it works perfectly.<br><br>About
geanylatex, is there any prevision of new developments ? Personally, I
am not very interested but I think that it could help beginners. Is
there a group of people working on it ?<br>
<br>Cordially.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Denis LE FUR<br><a href="mailto:dlefur@gmail.com">dlefur@gmail.com</a><br><br><a href="http://mathsp.tuxfamily.org/">http://mathsp.tuxfamily.org/</a><br>