Hi Enrico,<br><br>1. You probably know this, but just in case:<br><br>For nested Python classes the methods in the Symbols tab are displayed incorrectly: all methods (those of inner and outer classes) are prefixed with the inner class name,
e.g.:<br><br>class Finder:<br> class Dir:<br> def __init__(self, fd, mtime, name, type):<br> ...<br> def __init__(self, root = '/'):<br> self.root = root<br> ...<br><br>will produce in Symbols:
<br><br>Dir::__init__[28]<br>Dir::__init__[35]<br><br>2. It would be nice to have a command-line option for positioning on a line in the opened file. For instance, I am using ipython, and if I specify geany as its editor, it would automatically take me to the line with error. This is true for practically all cases when geany is set as a default editor for some other tool.
<br><br>I cannot thank you guys enough for this excelent tool.<br><br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Misha<br><br><br>