[Geany] OT: How to get shorter lines in the Geany manual?

Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger at xxxxx
Tue Sep 1 18:23:39 UTC 2009

On Sun, 30 Aug 2009 10:19:40 -0400, Randy wrote:

>> >Question: Is there any reason this couldn't or shouldn't be done for
>> >the copy of the manual on the web site?
>> Not much.
>> I personally just don't like if it is not wrapped because then it
>> looks very ugly and is harder to read on my 22" wide screen. But this
>> is a very personal thing, not really counting.
>> Still not sure if we should change it.
>I'm curious: Are you talking about when you read it in a browser--I
>ask because your browser would wrap it to the width of the browser
>window, wouldn't it?  Or are you talking about viewing the HTML file
>sort of "raw" in an editor?  

I'm talking about viewing the HTML in a browser, like most people do, I
guess :).
Btw, resizing the browser window does work but is not that comfortable
as Lex already said, especially when working with tabs.

>I looked at some web design guidelines that take into account human 
>usability factors--the ones I found all recommend a quite short line 
>based on the eye's area of acute focus.  (And the subsequent need to 
>move your eyes or your head to scan longer lines.) I take it you don't 
>notice a problem?

Well, I completely understand your issue. And basically I tend to agree
that a fixed width is not good. OTOH I just like the reduced width as
it does read better for me on my widescreen (as already pointed out).
But yes, not everybody has a widescreen, not everybody likes tiny fonts
as I do and so on.

So, maybe we should indeed remove the fixed width to make it easier for
most users to read.


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