[geany/geany-plugins] 839acc: Windows installer: Update dependencies

Enrico Tröger git-noreply at xxxxx
Mon Apr 22 12:30:43 UTC 2019

Branch:      refs/heads/master
Author:      Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de>
Committer:   Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de>
Date:        Mon, 22 Apr 2019 12:30:43 UTC
Commit:      839acc96a514f33a305d3170faf225a39420713c

Log Message:
Windows installer: Update dependencies

Modified Paths:

Modified: build/geany-plugins.nsi
31 lines changed, 21 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
@@ -250,18 +250,28 @@ Section Uninstall
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libgstvideo-1.0-0.dll"
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libgtkspell-0.dll"
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libgtkspell3-*.dll"
-	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libhistory7.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libhistory8.dll"
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libhogweed-4.dll"
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libhttp_parser-2.dll"
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libhunspell-1.7-0.dll"
-	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicudt62.dll"
-	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicuin62.dll"
-	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicuio62.dll"
-	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicule62.dll"
-	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libiculx62.dll"
-	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicutest62.dll"
-	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicutu62.dll"
-	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicuuc62.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicudt61.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicutu61.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicuuc61.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicuin61.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicuio61.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicule61.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libiculx61.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicutest61.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicutu64.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicuuc64.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicudt64.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicuin64.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicuio64.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicule64.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libiculx64.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicutest64.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicutu64.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libicuuc64.dll"
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libidn2-0.dll"
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libjavascriptcoregtk-1.0-0.dll"
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0.dll"
@@ -273,8 +283,9 @@ Section Uninstall
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\liborc-0.4-0.dll"
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\liborc-test-0.4-0.dll"
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libp11-kit-0.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libproxy-1.dll"
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libpsl-5.dll"
-	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libreadline7.dll"
+	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libreadline8.dll"
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\librtmp-1.dll"
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libsoup-2.4-1.dll"
 	Delete "$INSTDIR\bin\libsoup-gnome-2.4-1.dll"

Modified: build/gtk-bundle-from-msys2.sh
8 lines changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ gtkv="3"
 # ctags - binary for GeanyCTags plugin
 # ctpl-git - for GeanyGenDoc plugin
 # enchant, hunspell - for SpellCheck plugin
-# curl, glib-networking, gnutls, icu, sqlite3, webkitgtk2/3 for WebHelper and Markdown plugins
+# curl, glib-networking, gnutls, icu, libproxy, sqlite3, webkitgtk2/3 for WebHelper and Markdown plugins
 # lua51 - for GeanyLua plugin
 # gnupg, gpgme - for GeanyPG plugin
 # libsoup - for UpdateChecker plugin
@@ -50,8 +50,9 @@ libgpg-error
@@ -232,11 +233,14 @@ cleanup_unnecessary_files() {
 	rm -f lib/bin/libenchant_zemberek.dll
 	# enchant: remove aspell engine (it would require the aspell library which we don't need)
 	rm -f lib/enchant/libenchant_aspell.dll
+	# libproxy: remove KDE module
+	rm -f lib/modules/config_kde.dll
 	# sbin: cleanup sbin files
 	rm -rf sbin
 	# share: cleanup other unnecessary files
 	rm -rf share/aclocal
 	rm -rf share/bash-completion
+	rm -rf share/cmake
 	rm -rf share/common-lisp
 	rm -rf share/dbus-1
 	rm -rf share/doc

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