[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Split geany.conf into geany.conf (preferences) and session.conf (recent files and VTE session) (#2776)

Thomas Martitz notifications at xxxxx
Mon Apr 5 22:36:07 UTC 2021

> If it's OK with you, I would like to move that to a separate issue and PR. I think what we have here with keyfile.c is fairly self-contained and in a good state.

That's OK but I wouldn't really want to merge the one without the other (not into master, at least). Not sure if github can handle inter-dependent PRs. Maybe have to merge this to a staging branch so that your other PR can use that as a base.

> I would lean towards keeping the project session files next to the project files, but I don't think this has a huge impact on the implementation (just change how the path to the file is built, right?).

Maybe. For the most part it's a matter of taste I guess. But, keep in mind that projects can be stored anywhere, e.g. also in a $HOME/projects that is just a pool of *.geany files with no relation to the actual project base directory. I might not want the session files in that pool directory. On the other hand, when it's in the project (to be checked into VCS), then you probably want it to be a dot-file so it's hidden (and add it to .gitignore), but then it's easy to forget to delete them. Many question marks around that, for me it would be simpler and natural to store machine-specific meta-stuff like this centralized location within $HOME/.config/geany. I would prefer a single key-file with the project name or some other uniq identifier as keys. Perhaps with a timestamp so we can do GC on the file. 

But it's up to you.

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