[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Message Window colors aren't contrasting in dark themes (#2644)

elextr notifications at xxxxx
Fri Nov 6 22:07:04 UTC 2020

Yes, you need to check what your particular GTK version supports.

The basic premise is that (apart from the editor window) all theming should use the normal GTK mechanism, so having code play with colours is a "bad idea"™. Anything that doesn't is a bug.

Of course that leaves Geany users at the "mercy" of the desktop theme creators, some of which are fine (Linux Mint dark themes work for me), and some of which are clearly mad :).  But thats the way the project has decided to go.  

Improvements to Geany GTK CSS are welcome so long as they work with many common themes (particularly those used by the Geany contributors) and don't need bleeding edge GTK versions.

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