[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Configuration settings overwritten (#2450)

elextr notifications at xxxxx
Sun Mar 15 23:29:20 UTC 2020

>  "VM restoring geany.conf"? Huh? 

Well, the last time I used a VM every time its started it re-creates its file system from scratch was what I was thinking.

> don't even get me started on the idiocy of Ctrl+R by default doing a warning-less and un-undoable reload

Just because __your__ use-case does not include reloading a lot does not mean others don't. 

Anyway AFAICT 1.32 should allow undo of reload I think, unless you set the option `keep_edit_history_on_reload` to off.

> lest my curmudgeonliness be off-putting

Now listen here, I'm the grumpy olde guy here, you are stepping on my turf.

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