[Github-comments] [geany/geany] WIP: Read default browser command using GIO (#2444)

Enrico Tröger notifications at xxxxx
Thu Feb 20 18:45:59 UTC 2020

Instead of using only hard-coded and varying defaults for Linux,
MacOS and Windows, try to read the system's default command for "http"
URI schemes and use it if found.
If no usable default is available, fallback to the previous hard-coded

Besides being more user-friendly, this should solve issues on Windows
where we always used "ShellExecute" and bypassed the configured browser
command which led to errors on URLs with anchors (see #2405).
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Read default browser command using GIO

-- File Changes --

    M src/keyfile.c (20)

-- Patch Links --


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