[Github-comments] [geany/geany] macos - catalina - Full Disk Access not working (Documents, Desktop, ...) (#2344)

pforpond notifications at xxxxx
Sun Oct 13 10:49:51 UTC 2019

> Yeah, I know what's going on - basically Geany is launched by a bash script which sets the environment variables needed by GTK and Geany. So for macOS, it's /bin/bash which needs to get the full disk access privileges - see e.g. this answer for more details:
> https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/53026/how-to-restore-file-system-access-in-macos-catalina
> (just use /bin/bash for Geany).
> Anyway, this is clumsy and has potential security implications. I've been working on a binary launcher for Geany to workaround this and in addition to use GTK3 instead of GTK2 because I had some rendering problems on Catalina. Here's the result:
> https://download.geany.org/snapshots/geany-1.36_osx.dmg
> Please give it a try and let me know if you run into any problems. In future Geany releases I'd like to switch to GTK3 and use the binary launcher.

This build appears to work for me. Many thanks! :)

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