[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Internal problem of Geany's context action & Run/Compile/Build commands (#1801)

aplsimple notifications at xxxxx
Wed Mar 14 13:18:39 UTC 2018

Great thanks for your answers!

My Geany is Geany 1.29 on Debian 9.3.

Excuse me for being short but it's not xterm but Geany swallows $everything.

xterm is only for example.

I run (with Geany's F5) a program different from xterm and hope it would get my lovely $everything.

However I get " " instead.

O tempora, o mores! After all I included this awful $everything in the Run command!

Well, I try and add "-" around $everything, i.e. I pass -$everything- to a program of Run command
and got -- instead of -$everything-

And yes, far from calling xterm (and similars), Geany doesn't take %s internally if %s contains odd number of ". Geany in this case puts an error message in its statusbar.

Nevertheless, with great regards for Geany and Geany team forever
yours Alex Plotnikov

>Среда, 14 марта 2018, 0:54 +03:00 от elextr <notifications at github.com>:
>Version of Geany and OS and versions of Glib and GTK?
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Best regards & bye!
Yours A.PL.simple

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