[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Update Scintilla to version 3.7.5 (#1503)

Colomban Wendling notifications at xxxxx
Wed Jun 7 23:27:30 UTC 2017

> FWIW, the code builds and runs fine with MSYS2 on a native Windows box.

Great, thanks for the heads up :)

> The changes look fine to me except the debug fun (`cat config.log` in scripts/cross-build-mingw.sh)

Do you see a problem with it?  I only output it when configure fails, which helps getting more info when running on Travis as we can't look at the files afterward.  I could move this to the Travis script, though it calls the build script and can't know really why it failed if it did, but it's not too much of a problem to try and cat a non-existing file on failure anyway, so I could do that.

>  and I cannot really judge the m4 code as it is just magic to me :(.

I didn't write it, it comes from the common m4 macro repository, AutoConf Archive, or rather the Debian stable version of it.  I however read it and it looks good to me.

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