[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Add appdata file and make it known to Makefile.am (#1142)

badshah400 notifications at xxxxx
Tue Jul 19 13:35:48 UTC 2016

[Appstream metadata](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/appstream/docs/chap-Metadata.html) is an xml file that allows your application to be visible to application stores like gnome-software (KDE discover) and really makes it easy for people on Linux to browse, install and now even write reviews for your app. This patch adds a (mostly working) appdata file and makes it known to Makefile.am. Comments inside the appdata file indicate where this could use some love, e.g. with 16:9 screenshots instead of 4:3 links taken from the geany website. The other info (optional) is to add the main dev's email (or whoever maintains the appdata file upstream) as the update_contact (also added as a comment).

Hope you find this useful. Thanks!
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Add appdata file and make it known to Makefile.am.

-- File Changes --

    M Makefile.am (3)
    A geany.appdata.xml (34)

-- Patch Links --


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