[Github-comments] [geany/geany] support vte 0.38 in gtk3 build (#336)

Colomban Wendling notifications at xxxxx
Fri Aug 19 11:37:57 UTC 2016

@elextr to be fair, they broke API and that's all.  It's perfectly understandable, and when it doesn't happen every 5th of the month, it's generally warranted by good reasons -- heh, we even do that ourselves from time to time :)  E.g., switching a GTK3 API to use GdkRGBA *is* sensible per se, they just happened to keep better-than-sane compatibility in the 2.90 era.  That's unfortunate for us to some extent (as we could have assumed new API if GTK3), but we can hardly blame them for that.

The only point where I actually don't like 0.38 is that it doesn't have proper runtime version checks -- which were introduced later on --, yet our use somewhat requires it.  But well, that's only relevant to us because for some reason we `dlopen()` VTE instead of properly linking to it and making a build-time decision; and we're likely the odd kid here.

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