[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Set indent type when using "replace tabs with spaces" (plus the opposite direction) (#1161)

elextr notifications at xxxxx
Thu Aug 4 09:51:38 UTC 2016

Well, since the magic is constrained to the case where you do the whole file I don't think it needs what @codebrainz poetically calls the "UI cruft".  I agree with @techee that I can't think of a case where you wouldn't want it to happen, and since it just makes a change and you can always change it back its not an irreversible situation.

I havn't time to look at the implementation just now, @techee does change of type setting happen when there is no selection but does not apply when the whole file is selected?  That would provide yet another workaround if someone wanted to avoid the change of type setting, just `ctrl-a` and  do the tabs <-> spaces change.

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