[Github-comments] [geany] Deleting file outside of Geany when Autosave is enabled (#673)

van-de-bugger notifications at xxxxx
Sat Oct 3 19:47:56 UTC 2015

> As a general comment, autosave is there to protect your backside in case you or the software screws up.

I do not agree. For protecting my ass "Save Actions" plugin have anoter feature: "Backup Copy".

Purpose of "Auto Save", especially "Save when losing focus" is quite different — let me work convenient with the same file using different applications: editor and web browser, compiler, or whatever else. When I switch from editor to web browser, editor automatically saves the file(s) so it could be displayed in web browser, or compiled, or whatever else without forcing the user to save file every time. Some editors even have opposite option — to automatically reload file if it was changed outside of editor. This facilitates editing the same file in two editors: text editor and some kind of "visual" editor.

I understand you as Geany developer can explain why Geany behaves in such a way. However, for me as a user, these explanations worth nothing. Geany three times asked me the same question, and finally ignored all my answers and saved the file. If the file should be saved anyway why Geany asked for confirmation? This is simply stupid.

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