[Geany-Devel] Adding a plugin

Lex Trotman elextr at xxxxx
Sun Jun 9 14:59:15 UTC 2013

On 10 June 2013 00:43, Roger Booth <rbooth at kabooth.com> wrote:

>  On 06/09/2013 07:18 AM, Lex Trotman wrote:
> [...]
>  But if I'm going to *improve* the docs, I *still* have an outstanding
> (in a manner of speaking) question:
>> Why does the function plugin_init() accept the one parameter GeanyData*?
>> The reason that is a question is that the three global variables
>> GeanyPlugin         *geany_plugin;
>> GeanyData           *geany_data;
>> GeanyFunctions      *geany_functions;
>>  are available to a plugin and you will notice that one of those global
>> variables is geany_data which is suspiciously similar to the parameter to
>> plugin_init().
>  Yes it is the same.
>> So either there is no reason to pass the parameter to plugin_init() or
>> there is a good reason to pass the parameter to plugin_init().
>  Since it is generally acknowledged that globals are bad, possibly
> someone started the process of removing the globals by switching to passing
> as parameters, but did not get time to finish the process or ran into other
> problems, but there is no indication I can find of why its that way.
>> [...]
>  Cheers
>  Lex
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>  So when I document plugin_init(), you are OK with me saying that the
> developer can use the global variable geany_data interchangeably with the
> parameter to plugin_init(), and this behavior will not change until -- gee,
> is this when the ABI changes?

Yes that would be an ABI change, and an API change.

I am not aware of anyone proposing to change this at the moment, so you
should be ok.


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