[Geany-Devel] C++11 Bug discussion (transferred from bug tracker)

Lex Trotman elextr at gmail.com
Tue Oct 23 01:42:36 UTC 2012

On 23 October 2012 12:22, Lex Trotman <elextr at gmail.com> wrote:

> Transferred from bug tracker
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3578557&group_id=153444&atid=787791to be easier to handle discussion.
> Original bug (list)
> This report is a grab bag of some C++11 things that need fixing so they
> don't get lost, alpha numbered to refer to as they are fixed. The list is
> not intended to be exhaustive as I don't use C++11 in anger yet. There are
> some non-C++11 specific ones I identified as well, some of these are
> already known but not well bug reported.
> a. R raw string syntax doesn't highlight
> b. raw strings containing a " break symbol parsing
> c. user defined "numeric" literals show as numbers, since they may not be
> numbers should show as some other highlight
> d. user defined "string" literals show as strings and the suffix is not
> highlighted
> e. operator delete[] does not highlight the []
> f. forward declared classes not always highlighted as types, seems to need
> the {}
> g. declarations class::nested var; insert var into class in symbols
> h. scope autocompletion on -> should remain after ->*
> i. [[ ]] attribute syntax not parsed, confuses the parser
> j. typed enums (eg enum class xxx {};) parsed as classes and erroneously
> k. enums with base types fixed don't appear in symbols
> l. namespace aliases parsed as "Other" not namespaces
> m. declarations namespace::type var; insert var into the namespace on
> symbols
> n. deleted member functions not identified in symbols, show as if declared
> to exist, not to be removed (picky)
> o. direct initialisations do not show as symbols
> p. scope autocomplete does not show base class members
> q. scope autocomplete does not respect access controls on members
> r. friend declarations are treated as member declarations
> s. template class parameters not recognised as typenames
> t. tooltips don't work for template parameters when < is typed
> u. explicit specialisations break autocompletely
> v. the documented limitation of not parsing local declarations should be
> mentioned for completeness
> Linux Geany 1.23 (git >= eeddd6f), en_AU.UTF-8 : GTK 2.24.10, GLib 2.32.3
> Most of the items in the attachment were tested to compile (possibly with
> extra surrounding code) on GCC 4.7.1 (errors in transcription excepted :)
> Colomban replies:
> a: fixed, it was "just" a missing mapping for SCE_C_STRINGRAW (how this
> happened I don't know…)
> c: ok, complete parsing of numbers may help, but it probably would just not
> highlight the non-numeric suffix (as the string suffixes, your "d" point).
> Though, note that the current highlighting of numeric constant is perfectly
> exact from the C preprocessor point of view (last point of
> http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Incompatibilities.html). BTW, I have a
> patch for "proper" number parsing I did for the Vala number methods bug.

 Yes, for C, the definition of "preprocessor token" for C++11 has been
extended to include user defined literals.

> d: this is not really fixable, how would you differentiate a
> "string"MACRO_OR_DEFINE from those C++11 user literals?

As I read C++11 thats a user defined literal token, not a string and an
identifier.myeh, cod

> f: ok, quite easy to fix, but having declarations (so without the
> definition) in the type list may confuse the scope completion code (since
> the declaration is a perfect match, simply with no children).
> j and k: fixed in Git
> n: I don't understand this one.
> v: nor do I get this one.
> Cheers
> Lex
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